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Artificial intelligence in spine surgery

10 April 2021
George St. Sapkas, Emeritus Professor of Orthopaedics MD, PHD, Medical School National and Kapodistrian Athens University, Greece
Artificial intelligence in spine surgery

For more than two thousand years, Aristotle, Heraclitus, Descartes and several others, have tried to describe the learning, memorizing, seeing, perceiving and reasoning, mechanisms.

Aristotle’s reasoning founded the basic principles of early Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) providing models of expressions that always gave the right conclusions starting from the right assumptions. Therefore, the A.I. examines these research fields by leaning on these skills precisely, making great leaps in the field of technology and ready to show its capabilities in order to change the current data. In this way, it proves that, this branch in the scientific field is the one with the most intelligence.

By interpreting the word “intelligence” we summarize the following definition: “intelligence, is the set of mental functions that we use in order to face new situations and solve problems, utilizing boundary experiences”.

John McCarthy used the term “artificial intelligence” for the first time in 1956, in order to describe a summer-workshop named “The Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence”, during which the main subject was “the thinking machines”

Artificial Intelligence has evolved in such a way, that it provides concrete benefits to public Administration, Industry, Agriculture, Trade etc. In Medicine, the provision of assistance during the Health treatment of the patients as well as the accurate information of the clinicians, is very important.

So, focusing on my main interest, the Medicine, I realize that developments in A.I. are rapid and innovative. As an example, I mention Robotics which helps us to focus faster and more efficiently on where the pathogenesis is located.

Furthermore A.I., researchers aim to develop computer models that will analyze the course of each patient’s problem, in correlation with other patient’s similar problems and their possible development in the future.

Part of the research, according to the Chief Technology officer and co-founder of, Dave De Caprio, a Healthcare Platform was created by these experts, so that Health Institutions and Hospitals can improve patients care. In major crisis periods, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the organizations should be able to identify vulnerable individuals, so that they are prepared for their treatment.

This way help is provided to clinicians and hospital doctors, to deal with multitude problems by analyzing large data sets, to identify patients who will be benefit most from preventive measures.

According to J.J. Rassouli (Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland USA), in an article published in Global Spine Journal on 2019, “there is a growing interest in the benefits that can result from the application of artificial intelligence in Spine Surgery. Although, there are opposing views on artificial intelligence. If it is applied properly the ability to radically alter conventional spinal surgery, reduce the cost of surgery, improve the effectiveness of treatments and enhance the individualization of patients treatment”.

Obviously, there are conflicting views between the proponents and the opponents of the A.I. Certainly these applications are not able to replace or substitute the human emotions, the human crisis, the relationship between Doctor and Patient and the Doctor himself.

In conclusion, Artificial Intelligence does not substitute doctors, but helps the diagnostic and therapeutic procedure


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