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Computing and Education in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

03 October 2018
Dr. Ioannis Pandithas
Computing and Education in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The industry is already changing shape into a more autonomous and intelligent model. According to major influencers such as Bill Gates, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, the future of the industry will involve the application of computing in a much more direct sense.

The role of computer systems in almost all aspects of everyday business has already become a reality. Most modern countries are also incorporating autonomous systems and are launching products spanning from autonomous vehicles (Tesla Motors, nVidia) and Sea Vessels (Rolls Royce Marine) all the way to self-programming Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning modules such as Google’s AutoML. Furthermore, the world wide web has become a portal for information, recreation and knowledge. Apart from it being ‘smarter’, the web provides a gateway for other services and businesses to flourish and has diminished distances among stakeholders and users alike. This has already affected the modern workplace and the collaboration schemes that can be applied.

The role of education has become integral at this stage of evolution. The aspiring engineers and developers should realize that scientific principles are the pillar of their forthcoming careers. As such, a wealth of programming languages and tools such as Data Structures, Algorithms, Database Development, Object Oriented Programming, Functional Programming are vital to their career. Also, Cyber Security, Linux Operating Systems and Fundamentals of Networking will be essential to almost any digital line of work. You may be holding a linux-based device right now if you own and Android or an iPhone device. Furthermore, web applications such as social media, communication hubs can be deployed, developed and released even by degree graduates since there exists programming techniques and frameworks that allow for this to happen. The deployment of applications and software will also drastically change: take a note of the terms Docker and Kubernetes.

The professional-apprentice teaching model has also been an important learning practice that becomes a significant learning experience that provides knowledge and skills to the Computing programmes graduate, increasing their chances of success. This is also reflected on the demands of modern business ventures that require flexibility in their development strategies and continuous development over transferrable skills. On the other hand, complexity rises since a more capable system requires more subsystems and utilizes the so-called Business Intelligence (BI) in a greater extent. This is the reason why a computing degree graduate should be comprised of both strong computing foundations and skills.

Currently at New York College we follow these trends while maintaining our principles to provide skilled graduates in both English and American Computing Study Programmes offered, leading to high employability rates and practically securing a successful career in the industry of the future.


Dr. Ioannis Pandithas BSc(Eng),MSc(Eng),PhD, AMIEE, AMInsP

Associate Dean. Dept. of Engineering and Informatics, New York College Ed.G.


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