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Coronavirus and conspiracy theories

26 March 2020
Nikos Katsaros, Head of Human Nutrition & Dietetics Department New York College
Coronavirus and conspiracy theories

Coronavirus did not escape from biological warfare laboratories and was not prepared by Biotechnology Research Laboratories or by a bioterrorism-related Laboratory, according to SCRIPPS RESEARCH INSTITUTE of the USA one of the top five research centers in the world. 

Researchers using coronavirus gene sequences have concluded that coronavirus is a result of "natural selection" and not something made in a laboratory. The research was published in the internationally acclaimed journal Nature Medicine. Kristian Andersen, head of the research team at the Scripps Institute, said, "We are absolutely sure that the Coronavirus was a result of  natural selection."

The publication also states that from analyzing genome data samples (provided by Chinese researchers who collected them at the peak of the crisis), showed exponential increase in the population because "the transmission of the infection was human-to-human after the first infection”. 

Scientists believe that in the first infected person the infection came from a bat or ants.

Dr. Anderson and her colleagues have evidence that the coronavirus rays (proteins and we see in the images projecting like needles) help him to adhere firmly to the surfaces of the lung cells and then to penetrate the coronavirus RNA into the cell and to begin to multiply i.e. to spread the infection.

This molecular process of the development of rays (proteins) to recognize human cells, bind tightly to their surfaces and then penetrate the cells is so effective that it can only be achieved by physical selection.

The Scripps team point out that those who tried to make the new coronavirus in the laboratory, they had to use existing coronavirus as a template. But the structures of known coronaviruses (SARS, MERS, etc.), which infected humans, had nothing to do with the new coronavirus, but rather resembled the structures of coronaviruses. Scientists believe that the infection originated there.

O Dr. Josie Golding, head of the Epidemiology Department of the English Pharmaceuticals Wellcome Trust, who was not involved in the study, said: '' From the results of the Scripps team it is inevitable that the Coronavirus is a product of natural selection '', ending the conspiracy scenarios.


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