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Coronavirus is not transmitted through nutrition

19 March 2020
Nikos Katsaros, Head of Human Nutrition & Dietetics Department New York College
Coronavirus is not transmitted through nutrition

 The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has announced that scientific data on previous outbreaks of similar coronaviruses such as SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV show that no coronavirus was transmitted through food consumption either domestically produced or imported from abroad. To date, there is no evidence that the new Coronavirus is different from the two previous ones in terms of its transmission.

The European Center for Disease Control states that the Coronavirus is transmitted through the respiratory tract by droplets from infected people coughing or sneezing or releasing droplets in any way. Coronavirus enters the respiratory system and particularly in the bronchi and the lungs thus multiplying and finally causing the well knows symptoms such as coughing, fever etc.

Coronavirus is not transmitted through the digestive system, however if a person infected by the Coronavirus contaminates the food by coughing, sneezing, etc. by transporting droplets into the food, then the infection can be transmitted and if the Coronavirus passes through the respiratory tract. The Coronavirus can also be transferred from the hands of an infected employee to the food packaging or plastic bag, so it is a good idea to use food for cooking or refrigerating for at least thirty minutes after purchase. We are even more confident if the employee wore gloves and knew how to uses them

The Coronavirus does not survive at temperatures above 63 degrees Celsius for four minutes and therefore during cooking the Coronavirus is killed. If the preparation or serving is done by an infected person then contamination is likely.

Because many 'ifs' and many '' tips '' we've heard, there is the following advice in order to boost your immune system:

  • Fruits, vegetables and legumes of different colors, daily, source of Vitamin C and provitamin A.
  • Olive oil, source of Vitamin E and antioxidants, polyphenols etc.
  • Seafood, a source of Zinc, Selenium and healthy proteins.
  • The probiotics contained in yogurt not only promote good bowel function, but may also optimize the body's defense, especially in the elderly.
  • Honey instead of sugar, honey in addition to its antimicrobial and antiviral properties, has been found to help treat cough in children, while its daily consumption ensures high levels of antioxidants in the blood.
  • Eat healthy protein up to twice a week, eg fresh chicken, red meat, etc.
  • We control our stress, both chronic stress and transient stress states are associated with reduced body defense through various mechanisms.
  • Take supplements containing vitamins C, D.E and omega-3 antioxidants for the next three months. 

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