20 July 2018
Jenny Pavlakou

The Marketing and Communication sector is a key part of a company, as it is in charge of effectively promoting its services to the appropriate target group and at the right place and time. The main task of Marketing executives is to develop effective strategies in order to meet the needs and wishes of the client and to help increase the profitability of the company. The basic virtues that Marketing executives must possess are:

• Creative skills, as well as the ability to perceive the customer's needs, in order to develop an appropriate strategy for promoting products / services.

• Knowledge of basic Marketing and Communication techniques, advertising methods and strategies, and sales management.

• Familiarize themselves with new technologies, especially with Digital Marketing methods and the use of social media, which in our days characterizes the promotion of products / services.

• Organizational skills.

• Ability to operate in teams in conditions of high demands and competition.

• Determining the methods of advertising and displaying products, while monitoring the respective competition strategies.

• The ability to successfully develop strategies to promote public relations in order to establish the prestige of corporate identity.

The staffing of the Marketing and Communication department with specialized professionals is a prerequisite for the successful operation and the promotion of the company's services. Therefore, the student needs specialized training from reputable university institutions that will provide him with all the necessary skills to meet the demands of the labor market through an integrated curriculum that meets all market requirements.

Studies in Marketing and Communication specialties are highly sought after at international level and provide the professional with serious career prospects, as they have a significant demand in the labor market. High level of education is the most important resource that a student needs to have in order to pursue a successful career in the field of business.

Jenny Pavlakou

Tutor in the Marketing Program of the University of Greenwich


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