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Science VS the pandemic

17 March 2020
Konstantinos Kalachanis Phd in Philosophy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Msc. Environment & Health, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Research Fellow, New York College, Athens, Greece
Science VS the pandemic

Humanity over the centuries has been tested by many infectious diseases resulting in significant human losses due to people's ignorance about the nature of diseases, hygiene rules and ways of transmitting them. Even in antiquity, as in the Plague of Athens (430 BC) during the 2nd year of the Peloponnesian War, people were not able to stop with the transmission of the disease, which was achived by the great physician Hippocrates using the scientific methods available in his time. That is, the observation of diseases and the knowledge of human physiology.

Our era is marked by a significant increase in life expectancy and quality of life primarily in the development of vaccines, improved hygiene and clean water. The development of science has managed to eliminate many diseases that once caused thousands of deaths.

The modern challenge of SARS-COV2 does not find humanity completely vulnerable. Our knowledge of infections, even in relative diseases  of coronavirus (SARS), leaves an open window of optimism for its treatment. Thousands of scientists around the world are struggling to develop drugs and vaccines to defeat the virus, while others are at the forefront of care. It is a matter of time to achieve it.

But apart from these heroes, each of us can become a hero by doing what scientists advise us to do. Much attention to hygiene and above all #menoumespiti



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