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Coronavirus: the crisis of the world

20 April 2020
Coronavirus: the crisis of the world

Four months ago, in China specially in Wuhan a new virus was born. Some people say that the virus came from an infected bat, and some people support the other theory which was a laboratory mistake which was done by the workers. At the first story we have an infected, bat which was ate by someone in Wuhan and then all started. This human was ignoring the symptoms and continued his life like none of that ever happened, until one day that he went to the hospital and the virus was already developed in his body and affect a lot of people in his way before everyone could notice. At the end this virus was ended up affecting the most, of the people in China. Soon it, became endemic. At the other theory respectively, we know that in a laboratory in Wuhan some workers made some experiments with this virus but by mistake someone broke a glass with the solute of the virus and everybody in this room got affected. Those were two versions of from where the corona virus was created and where. All of the humans now are confused about the stories but nowadays the important thing is the wining of the virus. The status now is that the most countries of the planet are in quarantine. The endemic evolved to a pandemic virus. All of the planet is fighting against the corona virus, thousands of the people are affected and thousands are already dead from this pandemic.  210 countries are affected by the corona virus and 2,077,750 are the cases. We are in a war with an invisible enemy the doctors said. Coronavirus is infecting the lungs.  The two primary symptoms are fever and dry cough, which can also lead to difficulties with breathing. The cough to look for is a fresh, persistent cough. It means coughing a lot more than an hour or getting three or more coughing episodes in 24 hours. When you always have a cough, it could be worse than a normal. When the temperature is 37,8C you have a fever. It can make you feel dry or chilly. Sore throat, headache and diarrhea have also been documented, and loss of smell and taste can also be a symptom. It takes an average of five days to start showing the signs, but certain people will get them much later. The World Health Organization (WHO) maintains that the incubation period lasts up to fourteen days. This virus became pandemic in less than three months. Because of the lockdowns to prevent the dispersion the economy of each country is about to break down no one is working all humans stays at home in quarantine to protect themselves, families and the other people, because this virus is very strict and hit people easily that have already health problems. If everything will be okay at the end a lot of things in our everyday routine are about to change. Nothing will be the same after the corona virus.






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