
Why studying English Language and English Language Teaching?

In today’s globalised world and in an era in which movement of diverse people across geographical borders for a range of educational, socioeconomic or sociopolitical reasons has become a norm, people’s ability to live in and with languages other than their mother tongue has become a valued personal, social, political and economic asset. 

28 April 2023

Nutritionist-Dietitian: A consultant or a nutritional therapist with empathy?

The nutritionist-dietitian has been defined in our consciousness as the consultant who fights for the aid of human health through the development of appropriate diet plans. But how simple is this after all? Are there many more? 

20 April 2023

Biomedical Sciences: From the laboratory research to the cure

The current scientific trends toward the promotion of human health created the need for the development of innovative and effective pharmaceuticals and therapies.

19 April 2023

Nutrition beyond "Nutrition"

The first thing I tell my students when we start our dietetics classes is that the average person's nutrition has little to do with Nutrition as a science. Nutrition as a science is useful for us dietitians, to design meal plans and assess the nutritional adequacy of our patient, but when it’s time to change someone’s eating habits, Nutrition books go out the window and Psychology, Sociology and Epidemiology books enter the picture.

17 April 2023

The Benefits of Studying Business Administration: Unlocking Your Path to Success

Often when prospective students are not sure of what career path to follow, studying business is viewed as a good option.

17 April 2023

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