event_post_eng.php NEW YORK COLLEGE supports the interdisciplinary conference “Man & his creations’’





NEW YORK COLLEGE supports the interdisciplinary conference “Man & his creations’’

11 September 2020
NEW YORK COLLEGE supports the interdisciplinary conference “Man & his creations’’

A very important conference will take place between 20-23 October 2020 entitled "Man and His Creations" organized by the Private Capital Company “Athens calls Athens” in order to develop synergies in social, cultural, developmental and research level and links between cities with the name "Athens" on a global scale. The conference is under the auspices of organizations such as the Region of Attica, the Municipality of Athens, the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry, etc.

The aim of the Conference is to establish an international dialogue between researchers, professors, students and the scientific community in general, as well as any other interested party, in order to explore fundamental issues of the course of modern man in terms of his consciousness, biological and its spiritual evolution, its social nature, the perception of time and space, the management of the environment, its prosperity, calling the modern sciences in constant dialogue. The conference is attended by great scientists from all scientific fields.

New York College is the only private Greek higher education institution that supports this important effort and is also represented in the academic program by Professor Dimitris Bourantas, Rector of New York College, (The Captivator Leader: Leading creatively by Ethos, Pathos and Logos), by Dr. Konstantinos Kalachanis, Research Coordinator of New York College (Space Impacts on Human ) and Phd Cand.  Evgenia Pavlakou, Brand & Marketing Manager of New York College (Positive Organizational Behavior for Better Psychology and Results in the Workplace).

New York College Educational Group supports research and innovation thus preparing a better future for its graduates and Greek society.

Official webpage of the Conference: https://athenscallsathens.gr/

First announcement of the program: https://athenscallsathens.gr/conference-program2/


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