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Audiovisual Translation Access Services

13 December 2019 | 12:00-13:00
Audiovisual Translation Access Services

New York College English Department Guest Lecture Series 

Dr Emmanouela Patiniotaki (University College London, Centre for Translation Studies) 

Audiovisual Translation Access Services 

Audiovisual Translation serves to raise the barriers of linguistic access to audiovisual content of various types and genres. At the same time, it is through AVT that a range of services were gradually developed or reformed to serve the needs of people who need an alternative mode of access to content, by providing either the audio or the visual channel in a different form. The aim of this session is to introduce the audience to AVT Access Services that fulfil this purpose in different scenarios. 

Emmanouela Patiniotaki has been involved in the language industry since 2004. She has worked with a substantial number of vendors in translation, localization and audiovisual services. She teaches Specialised Translation and Technology-related modules at the UCL Centre for Translation Studies (CenTraS), where she also developed and runs the first online course in Cloud-based Translation Tools and the Intensive Summer Course in Translation Technology, while she is also an independent provider in Audiovisual and Specialised Translation, and Access Services. She is currently the co-ordinator of all professional translation courses at CenTraS. Her research focuses on the design of holistically accessible environments, with a variety of combinations of fields, including Disability Studies, Audiovisual Translation, Web Accessibility, and Online Learning. Other research interests involve Crisis Translation and Machine Translation. Emmanouela is a member of the Movement of Disabled Artists and the Movement for the Emancipation of Disabled People. 

Friday 13th December 12:00 – 13:00 Room A5 Amalias 

The talk is open to all and certificates of participation will be provided

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