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Designing Video-Based Lessons for Language Teaching

15 October 2020 | 12:00-13:30
Designing Video-Based Lessons for Language Teaching

Open Day Online Event for the MA in Applied Linguistics

organised by the English Department, New York College, Athens

The MA in Applied Linguistics in partnership with the University of Greenwich is offered in a blended learning mode for 2020-2021.

Please join us online on Thursday, 15th October at 12:00 – 13:30 for our Open Day to get a pre-view of the MA experience.


Event Content:

Professional Talk by Dr Sylvia Karastathi,

Program Leader for the MA in Applied Linguistics and Head of English Department, New York College

on ‘Designing Video-Based Lessons for Language Teaching’

This talk suggests a framework for designing video-based lessons, presenting a range of online resources and activity-types.

It advocates a multi-dimensional approach which utilizes image, sound and editing to promote affective, cognitive and linguistic engagement

with videos in order to empower learners to resist passivity in a world of screens.


MA in Applied Linguistics Program Info:

Preview of the structure and content of the  MA modules  and the learning experience in the program.




The talk will be in English and is free to attend


* Certificates of ONLINE attendance will be provided *

Confirm your participation here: https://bit.ly/2GnvT50


On the day of the Event a link will be sent to your email address for the online attendance of the event.


You can watch the event live via Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/nycath | Facebook: www.facebook.com/nyc.gr


  • Invitation
  • Registration Form



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