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New York College Educational Group: a leader in distance learning services

13 March 2020
New York College Educational Group: a leader in distance learning services

The outbreak of the new COVID-19 coronavirus and the resulting pandemic had a major impact on the daily lives of millions of people in our country and internationally, with all levels of education undergoing major changes, which may be long lasting.

NEW YORK COLLEGE Educational Group, one of the most active educational organizations with presence in Athens, Thessaloniki and Prague, has all the necessary infrastructure and experienced academic, technical and administrative staff to respond successfully to the challenge of distance learning. For several  years has carried out many educational  programs using innovative technologies.

In detail:

  • From the first moment of their studies, New York College students gain access to the online asynchronous learning platform and Office 365 Suite software. The platform is based on Moodle and provides all the tools needed to manage their training process.
  • In addition of the above platform, which has been in use for many years, tutors can use the Microsoft Teams application delivering live instruction, supported by interactive multimedia capabilities that increase student engagement that enable online courses and real time education (synchronous e-learning courses).
  • Using the Teams app, tutors create student groups, add members, and schedule online meetings during which they share video, audio, and course material.
  • Online courses are fully aligned with the course curriculum required by the affiliated University.
  • New York College provides its students with 24-hour e-mail support with their technical department to serve their requests promptly.

NEW YORK COLLEGE Educational Group, with the utmost respect for students and their families, has ensured that there will be no problem in conducting the courses, which will take place with the method of distance learning for as long is needed.





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