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Investing in the United States of America & U.S. Taxes

03 March 2016

On Wedensday 10 February 2106, NYC hosted an event titled “Investing in the United States of America & U.S. Taxes.


” The event was co-organized by SUNY Empire State College, NYC, the U.S. Commercial Service, and the American Legion. The event’s guest speakers were Mr. Bryan Larson, Commercial Counselor, Embassy of the United States of America, and Dr. Chris Holidis, U.S. Tax, Financial & Intl Business Advisor. Mr. Larson talked about the opportunities that exist for investing in the United States of America, and how his office can help in this process.


Dr. Holidis, who is also a lecturer in the SUNY Empire State College program in Athens, talked about U.S. Tax matters that concern U.S. & non U.S. Citizens. Dr. Holidis is considered an expert in the field of taxation being a Registered IRS Tax Preparer & former IRS Tax Examiner with the United States Treasury.


Dr. Karolyn Andrews, Director of the SUNY Empire State College Program, and Mr. Elias Pendias, Commander of the American Legion in Greece, made the welcoming remarks. Members of the American Community of Greece, Business Leaders, and SUNY Empire State College and NYC students contributed in making the event a big success. 


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