news_post_eng.php The SUNY Board of Trustees has appointed Greek-born Jim Malatras as the new (14th) Chancellor of STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK, the largest comprehensive University in the USA, with 64 campuses and 420,000 students. Jim Malatras assumed his duties in the leadership of SUNY on August 31, 2020.





The SUNY Board of Trustees has appointed Greek-born Jim Malatras as the new (14th) Chancellor of STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK, the largest comprehensive University in the USA, with 64 campuses and 420,000 students. Jim Malatras assumed his duties in the leadership of SUNY on August 31, 2020.

30 November 2020
The SUNY Board of Trustees has appointed Greek-born Jim Malatras as the new (14th) Chancellor of STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK, the largest comprehensive University in the USA, with 64 campuses and 420,000 students. Jim Malatras assumed his duties in the leadership of SUNY on August 31, 2020.

The SUNY Board of Trustees has appointed Greek-born Jim Malatras as the new (14th) Chancellor of STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK, the largest comprehensive University in the USA, with 64 campuses and 420,000 students.

Until recently, Jim Malatras has excelled as the President of EMPIRE STATE COLLEGE --one of the 64 colleges and universities of this colossal American university system (SUNY)-- which has developed a long-lasting and enduring academic affiliation with NEW YORK COLLEGE for more than three decades, in order to enable Greek and international students to obtain a BACHELOR degree of STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK-ESC by studying entirely in Greece, on site in Athens or Thessaloniki, in the campuses of NEW YORK COLLEGE in Greece.

Jim Malatras assumed his duties in the leadership of SUNY on August 31, 2020. This year, in February 2020, Jim Malatras visited the NYC Athens Campus in Greece, where he awarded the SUNY-ESC Presidential Award to Elias S. Foutsis, Hon PhD, President and Founder of NEW YORK COLLEGE, in recognition of his steadfast commitment to the ongoing 32-year cooperation of the two educational institutions and of his contribution to strengthening the global educational community of STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK.

Ο Πρόεδρος του State University of New York- ESC, J. Malatras απένειμε στον Πρόεδρο του Εκπαιδευτικού Ομίλου NYC Η. Φούτση, το Προεδρικό Βραβείο SUNY-ESC για τα 32 χρόνια σταθερής συνεργασίας με το μεγαλύτερο κρατικό Πανεπιστήμιο των Η.Π.Α.


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