New York College Graduation Ceremony 2021 in compliance with all health protocols, supervised by the Head of the Operational Center of the Region of Attica, attended by prominent guests, with keynote speaker Dr. Theoklis Zaoutis, Professor of Pediatrics at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and Member of the National Committee of Infectious Diseases

The 31st Graduation Ceremony of New York College (NYC) took place on September 19th, 2021, in the backdrop of the Acropolis and the columns of the Temple of Olympian Zeus, at the historic National Gymnastics Association. With our graduates as the stars of the night, following all health protocols and supervised by Dr. Panagiotis Efstathiou, Head of the Operational Center of the Region of Attica, President of the Hellenic Association on Crisis Management in the Health Sector and Director of the NYC MSc in Crisis Management in the Health Sector.
In an atmosphere of emotion and joy, the graduates received their Bachelor's, Master's and MBA degrees, in the presence of their loved ones as well as prominent personalities from the academic, political and business field.
Graduation Ceremony NYC 2021 at the National Gymnastics Association, in the neighborhood of the NYC Athens Campus.
Keynote speaker at this year's Graduation Ceremony was Dr. Theoklis Zaoutis, MD, MSCE, Ph.D. – Professor of Pediatrics at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Honorary Professor of Pediatrics and Epidemiology at the University of Pennsylvania (U.S.A.) – and Scientific Director of the Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Outcomes Research (CLEO). The Rector of New York College, Professor Dimitris Bourantas, former Director of the Executive MBA and the MSc in HRM of the Athens University of Economics & Business (AUEB), wished graduates every success in their professional careers.
From left to right: Mrs. April Moore, Senior Global Greenwich Manager and Professor Jane Roscoe, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the UNIVERSITY OF GREENWICH, Mr. Elias Foutsis, Hon Ph.D., President and Founder of the New York College Educational Group, and Dr. Theoklis Zaoutis, MD, MSCE, Ph.D., Professor of Pediatrics at the NATIONAL AND KAPODISTRIAN UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS, Honorary Professor of Pediatrics and Epidemiology at the UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA (U.S.A.) and Scientific Director of the Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Outcomes Research (CLEO).
Congratulations and best wishes to the graduates for a prosperous career were addressed by representatives of the political leadership, who praised their effort, but also the high level of studies provided by New York College: Dr. Georgios Patoulis, Regional Governor of Attica, the Deputy Minister of Macedonia – Thrace, Mr. Stavros Kalafatis, and the Deputy Professor of Panteion University, Mr. Andreas Loverdos, Member of Parliament, candidate President of the Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK) and former Minister of Education.
Left to right: Dr. Georgios Patoulis, Regional Governor of Attica, The Deputy Professor at PANTEION UNIVERSITY, Mr. Andreas Loverdos, Member of Parliament, candidate President of the Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK) and former Minister of Education, and the Deputy Minister of Macedonia-Thrace, Mr. Stavros Kalafatis.
The graduates were awarded the degrees by academic representatives of the collaborating foreign state Universities, thus sealing their excellent cooperation with NYC and their commitment to high-quality university studies in the labor market.
Dr. Isabelle Solé, Director of Bachelor programs of the collaborating state University UNIVERSITE TOULOUSE 1 CAPITOLE (France) addresses the graduates of NEW YORK COLLEGE.
For his part, the President and Founder of the New York College Educational Group, Mr. Elias Foutsis, Hon Ph.D., after wishing the graduates a prosperous career, reminded them of the dictum of General Theodoros Kolokotronis in his famous words to the young, at the Pnyx on October 7, 1838, where he urged them: "BE ENSLAVED TO YOUR LETTERS" ! (See here the upcoming New York College event at Pnyx).
Mr. Elias Foutsis, Hon Ph.D., President and Founder of the New York College Educational Group (right) and Mr. Tasos Boulmetis, producer, screenwriter and director, visiting professor at the UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA in Los Angeles (UCLA) and lecturer in master classes of applied directing at NEW YORK COLLEGE (left).
NEW YORK COLLEGE is the leading college of University Studies in Greece, the ONLY one with international experience in the establishment and operation of Private Universities abroad, having today a dynamic presence in 2 countries with 3 educational institutions of university education in Athens, Thessaloniki and in the heart of Europe (Prague, Czech Republic): www. nyc. gr
The Rector of NEW YORK COLLEGE, Professor Dimitris Bourantas, former Director of the Executive MBA and the MSc in HRM of the Athens University of Economics & Business (AUEB), wishing the graduates of the College every success in their professional careers.