University of New York Tirana: Graduation Ceremony Press Release

12 July 2017
University of New York Tirana: Graduation Ceremony Press Release

On the 7th of July, the University of New York Tirana held its 12th annual graduation ceremony, at the Xibraku Resort, celebrating the accomplishments of 140 graduating students. 

UNYT was particularly honored to have as keynote speaker of this year’s graduation ceremony Dr. Howard Moskowitz, market researcher and psychophysicist in the US, CEO of  i-Novation Inc, as well as President of Moskowitz Jacobs Inc., a firm he founded in 1981, and known for having pioneered the idea of inter-market variability.

Representing the State University of New York, Empire State College (SUNY-ESC) was Dr. Merodie Hancock, President and Dr. Sheila Aird, European Programs Director. President Hancock emphasized that SUNY-ESC graduates from UNYT have a unique professional identity and a set of values and beliefs that will allow them to continue their quest for lifelong learning and distinguish themselves in their chosen paths.

The Ceremony closed with Dr. Elias Foutsis, President of the NYC Educational Group who in addressing parents said that “…by choosing UNYT you have guaranteed high quality education for your children. In these tough economic times, education is the strongest weapon against challenging global circumstances.”

Since 2002, when the University of New York Tirana was established, it has become a leading provider of higher education in the country, graduating every year young professionals with the knowledge and skills that are highly required by the regional and global job market. UNYT graduates’ positions in major public and private sector positions as well as their continuation of studies in well-known universities abroad is the best evidence of their  academic and professional preparedness.

UNYT offers dual diplomas to students who wish to obtain the local degree in addition to US and UK accredited degrees from  the State University of New York, Empire State College and the University of Greenwich, respectively.



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