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World Philosophy Day at New York College

13 October 2020
World Philosophy Day at New York College

At the initiative of UNESCO in 2002, 19th of November has been established as World Philosophy Day, in order to emphasize the need for common reflection on the contemporary problems that concern humanity.

At New York College and on the occasion of the course “History of Ideas in Science and Mathematics” offered by SUNY-ESC (State University of New York- Empire State College) with tutor Dr Konstantinos Kalachanis, NY  students had the opportunity to learn the secrets of Mechanism of Antikythera, the oldest computer, a possible construction of Archimedes. Xenophon Moussas, Professor of Space Physics at the Department of Physics of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and  member of the team that studied the mechanism, showed the students important data from the operation of this amazing astronomical computer, which calculated the orbits of the objects of our planetary system through a complex system of gears. The mechanism, in addition to important knowledge of technology and astronomy, also incorporates the basic principles of Greek philosophy. This lecture to the students of New York College was dedicated to the World Philosophy Day and especially to the role of the ancient Greek philosophers in the development of Astronomy.


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