
New York College Educational Group, the Golden Sponsor of the New Year's Day Cake Ceremony of the British Embassy and Hellenic-British Chamber

Athens, February 19, 2020. The British Embassy in Athens and the Hellenic-British Chamber of Commerce, held the annual joint reception for the New Year's Day Cake Ceremony with the New York College Educational Group being the Golden Sponsor. 

26 February 2020

SUNY Empire State College Announces New Study Abroad Program in Athens, Greece

Ο Πρόεδρος του State University of New York- Empire State College, Jim Malatras απένειμε στον Πρόεδρο του Εκπαιδευτικού Ομίλου New York College κο Ηλία Φούτση, το Προεδρικό Βραβείο SUNY-Empire State College σε αναγνώριση της σημαντικής αφοσίωσης του στην μακροπρόθεσμη συνεργασία των δυο εκπαιδευτικών φορέων.



19 February 2020

Important Event for the evolution of modern applied sciences in the near future by New York College

A very successful event took place at the Acropolis Museum on the 30th of January for “The Future is here: Smartcities / Fintech / Privacy & AI”. The event was organized and hosted by the Group of New York College, with 250 attendants onsite and approximately another 5.500 people watching it on live streaming.

01 February 2020

Innovative Research at New York College in collaboration with the University of Bolton, UK

Neurofeedback is a non-invasive method of direct training the EEG which is the chief manifestation of brain function. Neurofeedback’s most eminent effect is that the brain functions better. This is the result of the brain’s ability to regulate itself better (autoregulation or self-regulation). Self-regulation is a necessary part of good brain function. Self-regulation training allows the central nervous system to function better.

04 October 2019

Seminar: “Effective Public Administration: The Critical Role of Leadership”. Keynote speaker was Professor and Rector of New York College, Dimitris Bourandas, with the presence of Alkiviadis Stefanis, Deputy Minister of National Defence

A very successful seminar entitled “Effective Public Administration: The Critical Role of Leadership” was held on Monday, September 9, 2019, in the Hall of Parnassos Literary Society.

Keynote speaker was Mr. Dimitris Bourantas, Professor and Rector of New York College Educational Group.

10 September 2019

New York College 2019 Graduation Ceremony with prominent guests

On Wednesday, July 3rd, 2019, with the scenic cloth of the Temple of Olympian Zeus, the Parthenon and the Acropolis, New York College bid farewell to hundreds of graduates who acquired and developed the necessary key competences, ready to effectively offer them to their future employers.

04 July 2019

University of New York in Prague (UNYP) Graduation Ceremony with the presence of distinguished guests

On June 21, 2019, the University of New York in Prague (UNYP), member of the New York College Educational Group, held the 18th Graduation Ceremony at the Prague Zofín Palace. 

25 June 2019

30th New York College graduation ceremony honored by the Former Czech Prime Minister, Jan Fischer

A time to remember and a time to celebrate will be the 30th Graduation Commencement of New York College on Wednesday, July 3, 2019 at the National Gymnastics Club (Ethnikos), in an inspiring setting next to the secret monuments of Acropolis and Olympian Zeus Columns.

21 June 2019

Workshop on "Dredes: Protagonists of the 1821 Revolution" was held with great success

The Federation of Associations of Trifilia with the support of the University of the Peloponnese, Panteion University and the Educational Group of New York College, held a study day on: “Dredes: The Protagonists of the 1821 Revolution”, on Wednesday, March 13th, 2019 at 18:30, at the headquarters of New York College, situated in Amalias 38 Str, at Syntagma Square.

13 May 2019

Seminar on “The Secrets of Successful CV and Finding My First Job” by New York College Thessaloniki

On Tuesday 19th of February 2019, New York College - Thessaloniki Campus organized a seminar entitled “The Secrets of a Successful CV and Finding My First Job” which took place at its premises in Thessaloniki. The event’s speakers were Mrs. Anna Angelidou, Senior HR Consultant, and Olga Gaziteri, HR Consultant.

13 May 2019

Seminar on "Exiting from the Crisis: The Czech Republic's "Rules of Thumb" as an Example for Greece" with central speakers John Mourmura, Deputy Governor of the Bank of Greece and Radek Spicar, notable Czech Economist, and with the collaboration of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Greece - New York College

The seminar on “Exiting from the Crisis: The Czech Republic’s “Rules of Thumb” as an example for Greece” was held with great success on Friday, May 10th, 2019, at the B & M Theocharakis Amphitheater.

13 May 2019

Workshop on “Hospital Infections and Public Health” by New York College

The workshop on “Hospital Infections and Public Health” was successfully held on Thursday, May 9th, 2019, at the Journalists’ Union of Athens Daily Newspapers Conference Hall.

13 May 2019

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