Hrach Altunyan

Hrach Altunyan

I work as a musician and I have my own Band called The Hrach Altunyan Band where I write the music and the lyrics. Before joining New York College I was in Fakanas Music School where I studied Modern Blues Guitar.

The major I chose helped me in various ways to become the musician/performer I am now. I learned how to handle the stage and how to interact with the audience.I have a group of musicians and technicians that I learned how to cooperate with. Most importantly was that I managed to combine the knowledge I got from New York College into my music and lyric writing and that helped me to find my personal style. I believe that the communication skills I got from the program and the whole New York College experience was the stepping stone in anything I have achieved so far. What I liked most was the way the program was built. It is a full program with a wide variety of choices and fields that one can be interested in. The instructors knew exactly how to handle the students and their material.

My “advice” to new students is to be open – minded. Never close their minds into borders. They have to be free in order to be true to themselves. A second thing is to find what they really love and work on that 24/7

I am proud to be a New York College / State University of New York member and I hope that the new members will love and be as enthusiastic about their studies as I was and still am.


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