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Business Administration - Suny Empire State College

Bachelor in Business Administration

Knowledge Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this program students will be able to:

  • Show in-depth understanding of subject matter related to management science, economics, accounting, computing and information systems, organizational behaviour, business law and ethics;
  • Have a foundation in science and liberal studies as delivered through the General Education program;
  • Apply the subject matter critically and analytically in real situations;
  • Comprehend the political, social, legal, regulatory, environmental and technological impacts on organizations;
  • Demonstrate a working knowledge of the European environment of business and multi-cultural issues;
  • Integrate the knowledge acquired in the program to analyze a business to identify its strengths and weaknesses and determine what changes can be made for improvement;
  • Assume management roles in planning, organizing, and controlling the functions of an SME;
  • Develop a business plan
  • Pursue postgraduate studies or professional qualifications in the filed of Business Administration

    Skills Outcomes:
    As a result of completing this program, students should have acquired the following skills and values:
  • excellent written and oral communication skills;
  • demonstrate analytical and critical-thinking skills necessary to make sound business and personal decisions;
  • numeric and quantitative skills including data analysis, interpretation and extrapolation;
  • effective use of communication and information technology for business applications
  • effective self-management in terms of time, planning and behaviour, motivation, self-starting, individual initiative and enterprise;
  • self-awareness, openness and sensitivity to diversity in terms of people, cultures, business.

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What's next?

At New York College: With the BS Concentration Business Administration you are accepted by most MBA and MA or/and MSc programs offered at New York College. Most students choose to combine work with further study by choosing one of our MBA programs.

At Institutions Abroad: The entry qualifications for graduate studies differ from university to university. However the SUNY/Empire State University degree is accepted by most universities globally. Popular universities usually require in addition to the degree, a GPA higher than 3.0. If you are interested for study abroad opportunities, contact your advisor early on your studies with us, and through our Student Affairs Department come in contact with our alumni who continued their studies abroad.


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Most bachelor's degree programs are designed to require 4 academic years of full-time study. Students have the option of part-time studies too.


For you who plan to go directly into the workforce, this degree provides you with the highly-valued business knowledge and skills necessary to be successful in a variety of entry-level positions in business, including banks, small business enterprises, multinational corporations, and non-profit organizations. You can also start your own small business. As soon as you get a position in a department of the organization, you will be able to acquire practical knowledge in a specific area, such as Marketing, Accounting, or Sales, which topping it up with a postgraduate degree in this field will secure a decently-paid job with good opportunities for development in the Greek and the wider Balkan region.


  • Flexibility - take from 1 to 6 courses during the semester and summer so that you can take it full or part time
  • Online courses - the option to take the courses online if working.
  • General Education - to broaden your knowledge horizons
  • Many concentrations to choose from
  • Options - during the first two years, the student is taking various courses in various concentrations as well as the general education courses. This allows him/her to choose the final concentration after the first two years (not from the beginning) with the option to change during his/her studies


The STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK is the largest university in the United States with 64 campuses and 400,000 students. Empire State University is one of the 64 colleges and universities of the STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK with approximately 20,000 students. New York College has a franchise agreement in accordance with the laws of the Greek Ministry of Education and the degree you will receive at the end of your studies is awarded by the University itself.


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