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BS Concentration in Marketing

Bachelor in Marketing

With the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) program of the American STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK / Empire State University, with a major in Marketing and with studies entirely at New York College in Greece, students will be able to:

  • Ηave an in-depth knowledge of Marketing Management, Consumer Behavior, Sales Management, Marketing Research, Marketing Services Management, and International Marketing.
  • Understand key areas of business, in terms of applications of Management Science, Finance, Accounting, Computer and Information Systems, Organizational Behavior, Business Law and Business Ethics.
  • Utilize general background knowledge in the sciences and humanities, provided through the University's General Education program.
  • Have the opportunity to further develop the necessary skills required for a professional career in Marketing, especially in International Marketing, or to continue their studies at postgraduate level.

  • Curriculum

  • What's next?

  • Careers


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Most bachelor's degree programs are designed to require 4 academic years of full-time study.

What's next?

At New York College: With the BS Concentration in Marketing you are accepted by most MBA and MA or/and MSc programs offered at New York College. Most students choose to combine work with further study by choosing one of our MBA programs.

At Institutions Abroad: The entry qualifications for graduate studies differ from university to university; however the SUNY/Empire State University degree is accepted by most universities globally. Popular universities usually require in addition to the degree a GPA higher than 3.0.   If you are interested for study abroad opportunities, contact your advisor early on in your studies with us, and through our Student Affairs Department come in contact with our alumni who continued their studies abroad.


Marketing graduates are typically involved in aspects of marketing, including: planning, advertising, promotion, public/media relations, product development, distribution, sponsorship, and research. The role is often challenging, varied and exciting. As many organizations have marketing departments, marketing executives can be found in both the private and public sectors: from the banking, retailing and media industries to voluntary and not-for-profit organizations. (

Our Marketing graduates have found jobs in advertising, sales, and product development mainly in the service sector. A most common starting point is in the Department of Sales, and demand in the local market for Sales has been extremely high and is expected to continue to be high due to trend of our economy in transforming itself to a service economy.


  • Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree from the American STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK / Empire State University.
  • The world-renowned STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK is the largest university in the United States, with 64 campuses and 400,000 students in academic (undergraduate or graduate) programs.
  • Since American businesses, especially multinational corporations and American (information) companies of the New Economy, have defined the dynamics of the global economy in the digital age, it is practically useful for students who want to pursue a career in Marketing, to obtain a degree from an American University, as a professional passport to International Marketing.
  • Program duration: 4 years, i.e. a complete university program, which means that graduates can continue their postgraduate studies in the US immediately after graduation, without the need for a post-graduate bridging program.


The STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK is the largest university in the United States with 64 campuses and 400,000 students. Empire State University is one of the 64 colleges and universities of the STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK with approximately 20,000 students. New York College has a franchise agreement in accordance with the laws of the Greek Ministry of Education and the degree you will receive at the end of your studies is awarded by the University itself.


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