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Bachelor in Shipping

Bachelor in Business with Shipping

The bachelor in Shipping Management places particular emphasis on the acquisition of the necessary knowledge management tools for a successful career in shipping, for the rapid advancement of its graduates to high positions in the hierarchical ladder of the shipping business. The high academic level and practical approach of the bachelor in Shipping Management to shipping issues, it provides students with a systematic, broad and comprehensive understanding of all organizational and administrative issues of the shipping industry.

This university program places particular emphasis on the acquisition of the necessary knowledge management tools for a successful career in shipping, for the rapid advancement of its graduates to high positions in the hierarchical ladder of the shipping business.

  • Curriculum

  • Careers

  • Professors


Year 1

  • Personal and Professional Development 1
  • Introduction to Business Processes
  • Business Planning and Development
  • Economics and Business Practices in the Shipping Industry
  • Discover Project Management

Year 2

  • Future Paths
  • Operation Management
  • Project Planning and Management
  • Creativity & Decision Making in Business
  • Shipping Policies and Regulations, Maritime Law and Marine Insurance

Year 3

  • Personal and Professional Development 3
  • Managing Strategy
  • Small Business Development
  • Acquisition, Employment and Commercial Management of Ships


The BA (Hons) in Business with Shipping is a 3-year full-time programme taught exclusively in the English language. Each course takes place throughout three terms (October - December, January - March and April to May) with two exam periods in May and August. Classes are offered mornings or evenings to accomodate the needs of working students.


On completion of the programme the successful graduate will enjoy a wide variety of opportunities available in a range of areas, such as:

  • Ship Management
  • Chartering, S+P
  • Liner Shipping
  • Marine Claims
  • Port Operations
  • Maritime Organisations
  • Shipping Agency


  • Bachelor of Arts (BA Hons) degree from the world-renowned British State University “UNIVERSITY OF GREENWICH”.
  • The UNIVERSITY OF GREENWICH has a worldwide reputation for Maritime Studies.
  • The student is taught by professionals in the maritime industry who are able to apply theory to practice.
  • The degree allows any graduate to work in any position within a shipping company.
  • The combination of Business Administration and Shipping studies means that the student will learn both the operation of a business and its application in the maritime sector.
  • Through the three-year course, the student has an excellent understanding of the specifics (opportunities, prospects and risks) of the Maritime Industry.


The state UNIVERSITY OF GREENWICH is located in London and is well known worldwide due to the high employability rate of its graduates, which demonstrates its good reputation in the labour market. UNIVERSITY OF GREENWICH was ranked as the best University of London in teaching quality by the Sunday Times. The UNIVERSITY OF GREENWICH offers, in cooperation with New York College, undergraduate and postgraduate programmes with studies entirely in Greece, where students receive the original degree of this world-renowned British State University. New York College has a franchise agreement in accordance with the legislation of the Greek Ministry of Education and the degree you will receive at the end of your studies is awarded by the University itself.


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