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MSc Global Shipping Management

Master in Global Shipping Management

The Master of Science (MSc) program of the British State University “UNIVERSITY OF GREENWICH”, with a major in Global Shipping Management, and full-time study at New York College in Greece, offers students a broader knowledge and practical understanding of the shipping sector, as well as the necessary skills so that the graduate successfully pursues his professional career in management areas of Global Shipping.

The programme aims to:

  • Provide students with an enhanced base of knowledge and current and reflective practice necessary to initiate a career in Global Shipping Management at the Professional Managerial level.
  • Enhance specialist knowledge in the area of Global Shipping Management which builds upon studies and the undergraduate level.
  • Further develop improved skills of independent learning and critical appraisal;
  • Develop an extensive insight into commercial global shipping applications and requirements;
  • Develop critical insight of management issues related to the global shipping environment;
  • Develop a comprehensive knowledge of leading- edge ICT tools and techniques in a specific discipline;
  • Provide the ability to progress to the next level of study as appropriate.

  • Curriculum

  • Careers

  • Professors


In order to complete the Postgraduate Degree in Marine Engineering Management by the University of Greenwich, students must complete eight core modules and an individual project (under the guidance of a designated supervisor). The students are formally registered as students of the University of Greenwich.


  • Research Methodology – 15 credits
  • Advanced Principles of Supply Chain Management – 15 credits
  • Technical Elements of Ships, Maritime Policies, Conventions & Regulations and Maritime Security - 15 credits
  • Maritime Economics and Global Business Management – 15 credits
  • Strategy and Management – 15 credits
  • Commercial Management of Ships – 15 credits
  • Marine Engineering Law and Maritime Insurance – 15 credits
  • Accounting, Finance and Business Planning for the Shipping Industry – 15 credits
  • Individual Project – 60 credits


One year (full-time).
Two years (part-time).




The programme takes a strategic perspective of the maritime industry and places emphasis on the skills required for achieving the highest positions within this exciting industry. On completion of this programme, graduates will have detailed knowledge of the field of shipping management; have the academic knowledge and skills base to operate as an effective professional in the area of shipping management.


  • Master of Science (MSc) degree from the world-renowned British State University “UNIVERSITY OF GREENWICH”.
  • The UNIVERSITY OF GREENWICH has a worldwide reputation for Maritime Studies.
  • The student is taught by professionals in the maritime industry who are able to apply theory to practice.
  • With this university program, the student acquires the ability for an expanded approach to specialized commercial processes and requirements of Global Shipping, and further develops his/her existing technical skills and theoretical knowledge of Global Shipping.
  • The degree, as a postgraduate qualification, allows graduates to work in any position within a shipping company, even if their first degree is not related to the industry.


The state UNIVERSITY OF GREENWICH is located in London and is well known worldwide due to the high employability rate of its graduates, which demonstrates its good reputation in the labour market. UNIVERSITY OF GREENWICH was ranked as the best University of London in teaching quality by the Sunday Times. The UNIVERSITY OF GREENWICH offers, in cooperation with New York College, undergraduate and postgraduate programmes with studies entirely in Greece, where students receive the original degree of this world-renowned British State University. New York College has a franchise agreement in accordance with the legislation of the Greek Ministry of Education and the degree you will receive at the end of your studies is awarded by the University itself.


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