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Privacy Policy

The Educational Group ΝΕW YORK COLLEGE (hereinafter referred to as “NYC”) provides post high school education, namely undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programs. In addition, ΝYC offers services of initial professional training to high school graduates through the Institute of Vocational Education as well as through co-funded programs of Vocational Education by the European Union through the Centre for Lifelong Learning Level 2. ΝYC in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (“General Data Protection Regulation” or “GDPR”), uses safe access and storing mechanisms for its IT systems, thus securing the reliability and trustworthiness of stored data.

Every time you use this site, you are bounded by the valid Personal Data Protection Policy and you must read this text every time you use the site as well as make sure you agree with it.
Α. Categories of data collected and processed by ΝYC through this site and their sources. Personal data collected and processed by us depend upon the service requested and agreed upon with you in each separate case:

  • Application forms or forms of interest regarding its programs/services,
  • The processing of data during the drawing for scholarships it offers,
  • Conclusion of a contract in its programs/services,

This policy applies to: a) persons who are current or prospective customers (students/trainees, anyone with an interest in the programs of NYC), b) persons who are included in the study contracts between NYC and the students as guarantors, c) persons who in the past were under a contract, and/or are graduates or were prospective students and expressed an interest in the past. 
This data can be collected from the following sources: You as current or prospective students. From sources open to the public (i.e.: managing authorities). Alternatively, communication channels, emails, sites, or any other electronic medium (i.e.: SMS) – through the provision of your name by current or prospective students and graduates. In the cases when we do not collect your data from you, we will notify you about the source through which we gained access to your data, and you have the right to declare that you do not wish to be contacted in any way in the future by us. 
If you are a prospective or current student or guarantor in a contract, personal data provided by you in order to start or maintain your relation with NYC may include: Name, Addresses (home/work), contact details (telephone number, email address), identification data (ID card, passport, etc.), Social Security Number, date and place of birth, marital status, occupation, personal data other than the above mentioned generated or required by the fulfillment of our contractual obligations such as: financial information (tax registration number, residence for tax purposes, source and level of income), data and documents of a sensitive nature which verify your social/marital status and place you in a sensitive social group, as well as your signature. During your signing up in our site, as well as during the expression of interest in our facilities and your enrollment in our programs, we use your data for the following purposes:

Name: We collect your name in order to a) enroll you in the NYC programs, b) execute the contract for the provision of educational services you sign, c) for the pricing of our services, d) promote to you our educational programs, e) for your participation in contests we organize, f) for our Alumni records.
Father’s name: For your identification and differentiation from others in case of duplication of names.
Postal address: We collect your home or work address for reasons of pricing and mailing to you the respective financial documents for the provision of our services, as well as for any contact with you through the mail.
Email address: We collect your email address in order to: a) contact you regarding any questions or comments, as well as your academic progress, b) contact you regarding the results of any contests organized by us in which you participate, c) send you a newsletter and/or other promotional emails of our company in the case when you accept their sending.
Telephone numbers: We collect your telephone numbers in order to contact you by phone in case this is required for your convenience, the best provision of services to you, your updating regarding your academic progress, for any contact with us and/or the handling of any complaints on your part. Along the same lines, we collect your telephone numbers in order to send you promotional SMS in the case when you agree with their sending. 
Financial data: We collect your data which are necessary for the pricing of our services (issuing of invoices) such as your tax registration number, public finance department and your occupation.
Age: We collect data regarding your age only in case you express the desire to enroll in one of the programs provided by us so as to confirm that you fall within the age limits set by each educational program. 
Identification data (ID card, or passport and Social Security Number): so as to verify your identity when you sign a contract for the provision of educational services with NYC.
Data regarding your marital status: in case you apply for a scholarship so as to cross-reference if you fulfill the social conditions for such as scholarship. 
Source and level of income: only in case you apply for a scholarship so as to cross-reference if you fulfill the financial conditions for such a scholarship.
Sensitive data regarding your health (illnesses, etc.): only in case you apply for a scholarship so as to cross-reference if you are included in the sensitive social groups that are entitled to such a scholarship.

Β. How do we treat your personal data for promotional activites: discounts/contests/scholarships/new services (marketing) and to what extent your profile is used for such activities 
For simply browing through the NYC site no personal data is collected. 
In certain cases though for your access to services such as: Study programs/Contests/Scholarships/Events/Lectures/Seminars, your enrollment is mandatory. For registering with our site or for your information when visiting our premises regarding the programs offered by us, you fill in the following data: 
a. name b. e-mail , c. Telephone number.
All other personal data displayed in field A of the present statement is collected by us only in case of your enrollment in one of the NYC programs. 
The use by NYC of your personal data upon your registration in our site and during your visiting our premises to be informed about our educational programs aims solely at your being updated and supported during the provision of services for which you enroll, the satisfaction of any demands and your being informed about the promotion of new programs/services. 
Furhtermore, if you agree to it, we will use your contact details to send you promotional sms and newsletters in the future and to contact you by phone for that purpose. Along the same lines, if you agree to it, we may process your personal data so as to inform you about any discounts/contests/scholarships/new services which might be of interest to you. The personal data we process for this purpose are information which you have already provided us with or data which we collect when you use our services upon your enrollment. We study this data so as to form an opinion as to what we think you might need or might be interested in. In certain cases a profile is used, namely we process your data automatically with a view to evaluate certain personal data in order to provide you with targeted marketing information in relation to our educational services. We may use your personal data to promote our services to you alone if we have your written consent to it. 
You have the right to revoke at any time your consent for the processing of your personal data for marketing purposes, including your profile, by submitting a relevant request either by email to or by fax at 210 3233337 or by mail with confirmation of delivery to ΝEW YORK COLLEGE at 38, Amalias Avenue, 10558 Athens).

C. How long do we keep your personal data on record 
As a general rule NYC will keep your personal data on record for as long as your consent is valid and for each relevant purpose (enrollment in a program, academic study, promotional activities, provision of scholarship, etc.).
Apart from the above, NYC is entitled to keep the necessary for every purpose personal data irrespective of your consent at least for the extent to which we have a contractual relation with you (academic study, scholarship, etc.).
Upon the expiration of our contractual relation with you (for any reason, namely graduation, being expelled, termination of enrollment, etc.) and irrespective of your consent, we are entitled to keep your personal data until the completion of the legal duration of the general waiver of our claims and the fulfillment of our tax obligations, namely for a period up to ten (10) years and for as long as is required for the exercise of our legal rights such as the judgment by default of our claims against you. 
In addition, we keep the following personal data (name, study program, year of study) in order to keep the record of ALUMNI.
Regarding prospective customents and those who will express an interest in our programs without enrolling in any of them, we will keep your personal data for as long as you consent and do not express the with to be deleted from our records in order to contact you for promotion and updating through newsletters, sms, telephone contact, about the future educational programs we will offer. 
After the above mentioned time periods, NYC has to destroy permanently and effectively the records/documents with your personal data with the appropriate means in every case (i.e.: recyclying, document shredder, making it anonymous, etc.).

D. Your rights regarding the processing of your data and their protection 
Regarding the personal data we keep and process about you, you have the following rights: 
1. You can have access to your personal data. This gives you the chance to receive a copy of your personal data we keep and to check that we process them in a legal way upon your written request. 
2. You can ask for the correction of the personal data we keep about you. This gives you the chance to correct any partial or inaccurate data we keep about you.
3. You can ask for the deletion of your personal data (known as the “right to oblivion” ).
4. You can protest against the processing of your personal data (known as the “right to protesting”) when we have a legal right but there is something particular with your situation which makes you wish to protest against its processing for this reason. If you submit a protest, we will no longer process your personal data unless we can prove necessary legal reasons for their processing which override your interests and rights You also have the right to protest against the cases when we process your personal data for purposes of direct marketing. 
5. You can ask to transfer your personal data directly to us from other organizations which you will name (the right of transferability of data). 
6. You can ask for the limited processing of your personal data. 
7. You have the right to revoke your consent. In the cases when we process your personal data based on your consent, you also have the right to revoke your consent at any time or to alter the level of consent which you have given us without it affecting the legality of the processing for the period before the revoking of your consent. 
8. You have the right to be subject to any decision by our Company based on the automated generation of your “profile”.
9. You have the right to file a complaint with the Greek Independent authority which is the Hellenic Data Protection Authority in the case of illegal processing of your data (
All of the above rights can be exercised by you at any time by submitting a relevant request either through email at είτε or by fax at 210 3233337. Additionally, you can mail by courier your to ΝEW YORK COLLEGE at 38, Amalias Avenue, 10558 Athens.

Ε. Anonymous data and “Cookies”
The NYC site uses cookies for the smooth operation of its services. Cookies are small pieces of information stored in a computer with the aim to identify the respective browser during site browsing. Cookies can be used for storing data such as usernames and passwords, as well as user preferences. Any site can send a cookie to your browser as long as the settings of the browser allow it. A browser allows a site to gain access only to the cookies which it has sent you and not to the cookies which come from other sites. The user can set his browser in such a way as to warn (the user) for the use of cookies in certain services by the site or not to allow the acceptance of the use of cookies in any case. In case the user does not with the use of cookies for his identification, he cannot have further access to these services. 
b. the NYC site keeps session cookies which are deleted after the completion of browsing. 
c. The NYC site uses cookies in order to transmit information through a network of electronic communication channels, necessary for the provision of the information service. 
d. The NYC site can receive help services for the collection and processing of the information mentioned in this part. 
e. Occasionally, NYC may use Internet tags in the site (known also as action tags, single -pixel GIFs, clear GIFs and 1 to 1 GIFs) combined with the "cookies" and to place these tags through a third party, namely a collaborating advertiser. These tags are placed in network ads brought by users to the site and to different pages of the site. This method is used so as to measure the visitors’ response to our site and the effectiveness of our advertising campaign (including the frequency of accessing every page and the information which the visitors access). The collaborator can collect the anonymous complete information about the visitors to other sites based on the Internet tags and the cookies. NYC assures you that, through tags and cookies, we do NOT collect or search for personal recognizable information about the visitors to our site such as names, addresses, email addresses or telephone numbers.

F. Safety and Confidentiality
a. Access to contact details and processing of personal data upon completion of the form/contract of visitors/users is limited to the employees of NYC or the service providers who need to know these data for the provision of services to the visitors/users or the completion of their work. 
In addition, your personal data, upon the signing by you of a contract for the provision of educational services and your enrollment in one of the programs provided, are transferred to the Ministry of Education which keeps a list of our students, as well as to the partner institutions abroad within the framework of legal use. The purpose of this transfer to the partner institutions of NYC is the provision in Greece of educational programs and the fulfillment of their contractual obligations relating to them. 
b. For the securement of safety and confidentiality of personal data collected by NYC during the electronic connection with the site, NYC uses protected data networks among others and the industrial protection systems, measures have been taken for the protection of information through leakage, wrong use, unauthorized access, devulsion, distortion and destruction. Though we cannot guarantee the avoidance of leakage, wrong use, unauthorized access, devulsion, distortion of the data, we try to avoid unfortunate circumstances. 
c. NYC is bound not to sell, rent or in any way make public your personal data to any third party. 
It can transfer your personal data to third parties solely in the following cases: 
- If you have clearly consented to your personal data being transferred 
- In the case when the transfer of your personal data to third parties who collaborate with NYC is deemed necessary for the fulfillment of your requests. 
- If the transfer of your personal data is imposed by the Law or a court decision or an attorney general’s mandate and solely by the relevant authorities 
d. NYC can also, for the purposes of statistical analysis and in order to collect information about how its pages and services are used, keep in an abbreviated form and analyse the data collected so as to improve the functionality of the services and to better shape their content and design. 
In order to keep your data safe and protected from random or accidental destruction, loss, distortion, forbidden transfer or access and any other form of illegal processing, NYC keeps its systems, policies and procedures updated. 
In addition, we train all our employees as to the importance of confidentiality and the maintaining of safe keeping of your personal data. 
In case a leakage or breach of data is detected, NYC will take all the necessary measures for your being informed and it will also inform the authorities. If also you detect any leakage of your data, you are obliged to let us know immediately within 24 hours from the time when you detect such an event. 
The Company is bound to protect the personal details and data provided by the users and to manage them with safety. For this purpose, it has taken the necessary measures of technical safety and processing organization of the users’ personal data, which are regularly updated. The personal data collected are stored in limited access files which are controlled through the use of access codes and the Company uses special technology and procedures and takes severe material, electronic and administrative measures to enhance the protection of such data against loss or bad use, as well as to protect them from unauthorized access, transfer, alteration or destruction.

G. who is responsible for the processing of your personal data 
Processing: ΝEW YORK COLLEGE S.A. at 38, Amalias avenue, 105 58, mail: You can either contact us with any question regarding the processing of your personal data or the use of cookies by us, or exercise your rights at the above mentioned address.

H. What happens in case you choose not to give us your consent for the collection and processing of your data or in case you revoke it? The compulsory nature of data.
The provision of your personal data mentioned in paragraph A of this statement is first of all compulsory if the personal data are absolutely necessary for the set purpose for the collection of each one of them as this is mentioned in the relevant paragraph (expression of interest in our programs, enrollment in an academic program, sending promotional SMS and newsletters, participation in contests, securing a scholarship, etc. ).
In case you do not give your consent for the collection of certain personal data or in case you revoke it, we might not be able to provide some of our services for which the collection of such data is required. For example, if you revoke your consent for the processing of your data regarding the sending of newsletters, we will cease to send such promotional messages without necessarily ceasing the rest of the services provided by us to you as long as we still have your consent for them (i.e.: studying in one of the academic programs). 

J. Amendments 
NYC may periodically amend this Statement either as a whole or in part according to its discretion as a result of its effort to improve-respect the valid at each time set of laws. Any amendment to this statement will be valid directly after it is publicized on our site. 
This update is valid from 25.05.2018 (date of the EU regulation 2016/679 about the protection of personal data). This printed update is also uploaded on the website of ΝEW YORK COLLEGE as well as on its premises.


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