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Master in Global Shipping Management

Master in Marine Engineering Management

The rapid and continuous developments in the shipping industry have resulted in a sharp increase of demand for postgraduate programs in Shipping with emphasis on Management, both internationally and in Greece.

The Master of Science (MSc) program of the British State University “UNIVERSITY OF GREENWICH”, with a major in Marine Engineering Management and with studies carried out entirely at New York College in Greece, combines a unique blend of technical and managerial subjects, which respond directly to the current needs and challenges of the shipping industry.

The aim of the M.Sc. in Engineering Management (Marine) is to provide a flexible Masters level programme attractive to a wide market, which offers a unique blend of Marine Engineering, Management and Information and  Communication Technology (ICT) directly relevant to the challenges facing the international maritime industry in the 21st Century.

  • Curriculum

  • Careers

  • Professors


In order to complete the Postgraduate Degree in Marine Engineering Management by the University of Greenwich, students must complete eight core modules and an individual project (under the guidance of a designated supervisor). The students are formally registered as students of the University of Greenwich.


  • Research Methodology– 15 credits
  • Advanced Principles of Supply Chain Management– 15 credits
  • Environmental Engineering – 15 credits
  • Marine Engineering Law and Marine Insurance 15 credits
  • Commercial Management of Ships– 15 credits
  • Strategy and Management– 15 credits
  • Marine Engineering Economics and Business– 15 credits
  • Engineering Management of Vessels and Fleets – 15 credits
  • Individual Project– 60 credits

One year (full-time).
Two years (part-time).


The programme takes a strategic perspective of the maritime industry and places emphasis on the skills required for achieving the highest positions within this exciting industry.

On completion of this programme, graduates will have a detailed knowledge of the field of general management of maritime organizations and companies including: shipowning and shipmanagement companies, liner agents, freight forwarders, coastguard agencies, port authorities, shipbroking houses, classification societies etc.

They will have the academic knowledge and skills base to operate as an effective professional engineer in the area of marine engineering management; and have achieved an academic base that will contribute towards the requirements for registration as a Chartered Engineer (CEng).


  • Master of Science (MSc) degree from the world-renowned British State University “UNIVERSITY OF GREENWICH”.
  • The UNIVERSITY OF GREENWICH has a worldwide reputation for Maritime Studies.
  • The student is taught by professionals in the maritime industry who are able to apply theory to practice.
  • The degree, as a postgraduate qualification, allows graduates to work in any position within a shipping company, even if their first degree is not related to the industry.
  • It is a postgraduate degree with an excellent reputation and prestige in the maritime industry.
  • This degree is a targeted choice for those taking their first steps in the shipping sector and for those who want to specialize without having previous experience.


The state UNIVERSITY OF GREENWICH is located in London and is well known worldwide due to the high employability rate of its graduates, which demonstrates its good reputation in the labour market. UNIVERSITY OF GREENWICH was ranked as the best University of London in teaching quality by the Sunday Times. The UNIVERSITY OF GREENWICH offers, in cooperation with New York College, undergraduate and postgraduate programmes with studies entirely in Greece, where students receive the original degree of this world-renowned British State University. New York College has a franchise agreement in accordance with the legislation of the Greek Ministry of Education and the degree you will receive at the end of your studies is awarded by the University itself.


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