Bachelor in International Hospitality Management
The University of Bolton BSc (Hons) International Hospitality Management course offers a complete studying experience with a variety of modules and multiple activities designed to provide the needed basis for a successful employment in the rapid growing sectors of tourism and hospitality. It is a vocationally oriented course focusing on multiple aspects both towards building the appropriate skills for the student’s personal and professional development as well as towards the academic development to build up the student’s abilities for lifelong learning. It provides an international focus to the study of hospitality management placing emphasis on a critical analysis of international hospitality as an activity. The course includes a period of an extensive work placement with the option to extend it for two consecutive summer periods which allow students to build a strong resume for their successful employment directly after they graduate.
Quick info:
For the 4 year programme:
- Duration: Four (4) years – Entry to Level 3
- Academic Semesters: Two (2)
Entry Requirements:
- A pass mark in your High School Certificate.
- A good standard of English (IELTS 5.0 or a recognized equivalent).
For the 3 year programme:
- Duration: Three (3) years – Direct Entry to Level 4
- Academic Semesters: Two (2)
Language: Greek - English
Entry Requirements:
- A mark of 15 or more in your High School Certificate.
- A very good standard of English (IELTS 6.0 or a recognized equivalent).
Student Life
Success Stories
Level 3
- Stage C for IFP and Pre-Masters
- Business In Practice
- ICT and Statistics for Business
- Stage D for IFP and Pre-Masters
- Applied Business Finance
- The Hospitality Environment
Level 4
- Work Based Learning 1 – plus work placement during the summer
- The International Hospitality Industry in Context
- Academic Management Skills for the Service Industries
- Managing the International Workforce
- Basics of Business for the Service Industries
- Management of Food & Beverage Operations
Level 5
- Work Based Learning 2 – plus optional work placement during the summer
- Global Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Research Methods for Tourism and Hospitality
- Marketing for the Hospitality Service Sector
- International Gastronomy
- Managing Front Office Operations
Level 6
- Project (2 terms)
- International Hospitality IndustryPerspectives
- Special Event Management
- Strategic Marketing Management for Tourism and Hospitality
- Sustainable Tourism Management
The hospitality industry is a major employer worldwide. In Greece, more than 20% of employment or more than 1 million people work for the tourism and hospitality industries. Opportunities are diverse and range from hotel management to marketing, event and conference management and small business enterprises in the restaurant sector, for example. The number of opportunities is growing and employers are looking for graduates with real-life vocational experience, underpinned by learning and enhanced with skills gained through our program of studies which is where University of Bolton graduates have the ‘edge’.
In recent years graduates have gone on to a range of roles in the wider hospitality and tourism industry globally. 90% of our graduates find a job straight away after graduation. The connections and network of New York College with top hospitality and tourism employers as well as the internships provided during the program provide to our students an easy access to multiple roles in the tourism and hospitality sector. 30% of our students continue their career in the same company that they did their internship. Students get the chance to work in high reputable hospitality organizations including famous brands from various hotel chains and other tourism sector businesses.
The University of Bolton and New York College have an excellent careers service which supports all students and alumni. You can also find out more about postgraduate and continuing professional development courses at the University or at New York College, specifically designed for students who want to combine work with studies.
Student Life
Visits in international tourism and hospitality exhibitions
100% hotel show at MEC Paianias – Students had the chance to meet and discuss with various hospitality providers as well as collect material and content from a diverse set of companies. This experience makes them understand and appreciate the complexity and variety of our great hospitality sector.
AITE at Zappeion Megaron – Students got the opportunity to witness some B2B meetings between international and Greek companies as well as visit stands and discuss with various tourism companies sucxh as hotels, airlines, transport and transfer agencies, cruise companies etc.
Webinars and meeting with hotel chains
Online presentations from the HR departments of large and reputable hotel chains have been organized. These presentations offer to our students the chance to get to know these companies, to explore the variety of positions and career opportunities within these companies and keep the contact to arrange a work placement for the summer period.
Seminars and visits
Wine seminar from Mr. Panagiotis Paschalidis, Wine Expert in our Athens campus. Students learned about wine and its history, making of, wine varieties, what a label can tell us and much more.
Visit at the Clumsies, one of the top bars in the world awarded in the top 5 of the World’s 50 Best Bars. The bar manager, Mrs. Georgia Georgakopoulou, presented what it takes to become one of the top bars in the world from a catalogue creation to a complete marketing concept behind a globally successful bar.
Success Stories
Kristaldo Gjegjaj: Kristaldo has secured an upgraded position to one of the properties of New York College’s cooperating companies “Kanava SA” following the internship he completed the previous year in the same company. With the skills he acquired he is now able to handle more complex tasks for the best attention of the guests to the high-profile properties of the hospitality group!
Konstantinos Navrozidis: Konstantinos is working in the top luxury resort in the Athens Riviera in the F&B department after completing one of the hardest interviews and impressing the HR department as well as his immediate managers!
Magdalini Periali: Magdalini is working in a tour operator that was introduced to her through the college’s networking with various tourism and hospitality businesses. Magdalini is a high performer and has managed to be involved in a negotiations position that connects her company with various hospitality products!
Sofia Zeimpekidou: Sofia has also managed to beat one of the hardest interviews and get a position in the top luxury resort in the Athens Riviera in the F&B department. Sofia has improved massively her performance over the last years and got the skills needed to secure a great career progression!
Thodoris Kordits: Thodoris is working in the customer service field by attending high profile guests in luxury villas in Mykonos and other locations in Greece. With his great communication skills and his problem-solving abilities he is now managing to take care of complex guest requests and problems!

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